"I am like an olive tree flourishing in the house of God; I trust in God's unfailing love forever and ever." Psalm 52:8

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Kala Hristouyenna (Merry Christmas!)

In the short three months we've lived here, we have found ourselves winding down and actually enjoying the simpler life. We are reminded each day to slow down and keep our eyes wide open to the "God Sightings" all around us including the magnificent snow covered Lefka Ori mountain range that shadows Hania and the Aegean Sea in Western Crete.

We've learned that we can live very comfortably with a fraction of our belongings, that life doesn't revolve around Blackberrys and overcommitted agendas, that there's always time for lunch and a long walk (even if it's Greek style - 3 hours!) and that a smile and an easy "hello" is the universally understood sign of kindness no matter where in the world you are. Maybe it's the water - it just seems second nature to slow down and enjoy.

But most importantly, we've learned to lean into God during these times of exciting and challenging change because we are convinced of His steadfast love that supercedes over all languages and cultures, time and space.

So, as you celebrate our Saviour's simple birth, we pray you will find a quiet moment to reflect on the miracle of God coming in the flesh to "dwell among us" all because of His extravagant love for you.

May His deep peace wash over you this holiday season and may you find more joy than you could ever imagine in the simple things He brings into your life throughout the coming year.

With love to all,

Melanie and Richard

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